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Kids Running

Social Development Laboratory
Tel Aviv University

Our research group is interested in the roads children take to become caring, driven, and socially responsible adults. We examine the values they choose to guide their lives, their choice of prosocial or antisocial behavior, and the moral cognitions and emotions that guide them. We are especially interested in the role of the social environment in children's value choices



The Social Development Laboratory investigates the development of values and social behaviors across ages, cultures, and contexts. We are interested in the role of the social environment in value development, environment such as the family and technology.

Multiple projects are taking place in the lab, approaching these questions from varied points of view.

Latest Publications

Values of children: What do we know by now?

For years, researchers assumed adolescents have values, but children do not. Now, we know this is not true. In this study, we summarize what we already know about the values of children during middle childhood.


Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash


Contact Us

Social Development Laboratory

Department of School Counseling and Special Education | Constantiner School of Education

Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv University, POB 39040, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, 69978, Israel

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