Value Transmission:Youth, Parents, & Social Media Influencers
Where do children learn their values? How do they learn? And are they passive recipients, or active members, in value transmission processes? We investigate two important contexts of such transmission
The value transmission project investigates multiple sources of value transmission in the lives of children and adolescents.
We look at interactions between mothers, fathers, and their children, and ask how their conversations are used to transmit values, specifically in the context of prosocial behaviors and moral dilemmas. We ask how individual differences in parenting, and in developmental characteristics, are associated with value transmission. We ask not only how parents influence their children, but also how children influence their parents.
We also look at a new source of values: social media influencers. We map the value messages in influencer content, and the strategies they use to transmit those values. We investigate how children and adolescents respond to these messages, and how they discuss them with their parents.
We will apply a variety of research methods including thematic analysis, computational methods, longitudinal and experimental studies.
The Reserch Team
Prof. Ella Daniel
Principle Investigator
Noam Garera
PHd Student
Dr. Naama Appel Doron
Postdoctoral fellow
Dr. Alina Shitrit
Postdoctoral fellow
Tamar Friedlander
PHD student
Prof. Ross A. Thompson
University of California, Davis
Prof. Netta Weinstein
University of Reading
Dr. Oren Tzur
Ben Gurion University
News & Events
November 5, 2024
"How youth learn values? My journey toward analyzing the social using computational tools". A keynote presentation at the foundation event of the National Center for Innovation in Resilience, Trauma, and Mental Health of Children and Families, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
September 10, 2024
Dr. Alina Shitrit presents her work at the Network Science Institute at NorthEastern University, Boston, and starts the future collaboration.
May 6, 2024
Presenting initial results and future directions of the ValueIn social media research project at Center for research on Children, Adolescents and the Media, University of Amsterdam
March 27, 2024
The Value Transmission in Family Interactions project started, with a pilot study, sparking conversations between children and their parents
March 21, 2024
The Values of Influencers project started, with a training workshop for research assistance.