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Value Development in Middle Childhood

Do children have values? How do their values change over time and why? Are values related to prosocial and antisocial behavior?

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In the Values in Middle Childhood project, funded by the Israel Science Foundation, we investigate social development across the elementary school years. We follow children in schools, interviewing them once a year. We ask children what they value and why, investigate their cognitive development and their social behavior. We want to understand children's perspective about their own values. We want to know more about the processes that enable their social development. Does cognitive, language, or socio-cognitive development contribute to these processes? Last, we want to know what motivations drive them to be caring and sharing.

The Reserch Team

Prof Ella Daniel

Prof. Ella Daniel

Principal Investigator

Sapir Ben Dayan

Sapir Ben Dayan

Masters student

Kati A

Kati Abutabihi

Alumna MA student

Anat C

Anat Chomsky

Phd student

Dr. Kinneret M

Dr. Kineret Misgav

Alumna Graduate student

Chen L

Chen Laufer

Alumna MA student

Avital B

Avital Ben Dror Lankry

Phd student

Liraz V

Liraz Vered

Alumna MA student

Noam G

Noam Garera

Phd student

Sapir S

Sapir Sharabi

Phd student

Mor M

Mor Mizrahi

Alumna MA student

Children's Race

Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash


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Daniel, E., Misgav, K., & Chomsky, A (2024)

Journal of Personality, 92(5) 1283-1298.

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Daniel, E., Dӧring, A., & Cieciuch, J. (2022)

Journal of Personality, 91(2), 482-496.

Knafo-Noam, A., Benish-Weisman, M., & Daniel, E. (2023)

Current directions in Psychological Science. Early view

Misgav, K., Shachnai, R., Abramson, L, Knafo-Noam, A., & Daniel, E. (2022)

Current directions in Psychological Science. Early view

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