PhD Student
Avital Ben Dror Lankri
Avital studies the associations between language development and prosocial behavior in middle childhood. She was a director of the Middle Childhood Values project. Avital completed her Master in Learning Disabilities at Tel Aviv University School of Education, her MA thesis under Prof. Dorit Ravid focused on new methods to promote literacy skills in children from low SES. Avital completed the Hotam program, for social and educational leadership. She was a literacy teacher, coordinator and guide in a low SES school.
Research in the Social Development Laboratory
Avital’s research aims to shed light on the linguistic antecedents of pro-social behavior in middle childhood. As part of this effort, she follows the development of various linguistic skills and the development of pro-social behavior through the ages of 6-11. Moreover, she aims to determine possible mechanisms underlying the association between these variables, including children’s understanding of mental states of the self and others, and the conceptualization of social values.