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תלמידת דוקטורט

נעם גררה הילפרין

נעם גררה הילפרין

Noam Gerera Heilprin, PhD Student at Tel-Aviv University's Social Development Laboratory.



Noam holds a bachelor's degree in Psychology and a master's degree in Educational Counseling. In her master's studies at Tel-Aviv University School of Education, she investigated the association between values and pro-social and anti-social behavior profiles in middle childhood.  

Noam has gained practical experience as an educational counselor at primary and high schools for adolescents with learning difficulties.  


Research in the Social Development Laboratory 

Noam's research focuses on the processes of values transmission in conversations between parents and children in the context of prosocial behavior. Noam is interested in the value messages that arise in these conversations and the practices parents use to transmit moral values to their children.


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